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This page describe the project structure and gives you a bit of context to start contributing to the project.


Building from source

Requirements :

  • Nodejs >= v15
  • npm or yarn
  • Go >= 1.16

Note: if you're using npm, just replace yarn <command> by npm run <command>.

# Install tools needed to build, creating mocks or running tests
$ make install-tools

# Build static assets
# This will create dist directory containing client's static files
$ (cd web/client && yarn && yarn build)

# Generate in-memory assets, then build the project.
# This will put content of dist directory in a single binary file.
# It's needed to build but the design requires you to do it anyway.
# This step is needed at each change if you're developing on the client.
$ make build

If you're developing, you don't need to build at each changes, you can compile then run with the go run command :

$ go run main.go

File structure

bin/        # Local binaries
build/      # Build package providing info about the current build
cmd/        # Command-line app code
docs/       # Documentation
examples/   # Some code examples
lib/        # Libraries 
mocks/      # Mocks
support/    # Utilities, manifests for production and local env
test/       # Utilities for testing purposes
web/        # Web server, including REST API and web client
go.mod      # Go modules file
main.go     # Application entrypoint


Go code

# Run test suite
go test -v ./...

# Collect coverage
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...

# Open coverage file as HTML
go tool cover -html=coverage.out

Typescript code

Developping on the web client.

cd web/client

yarn test
yarn test:unit
yarn test:e2e

If you're developing on the client, you can watch changes with yarn build:watch.


Go code

We use gofmt to format Go files.

make fmt

Typescript code

cd web/client

yarn lint
yarn lint:fix


We use mkdocs to generate our documentation website.

Install mkdocs

python3 -m pip install mkdocs==1.3.0 mkdocs-material==8.3.9 mkdocs-minify-plugin==0.5.0 mkdocs-redirects==1.1.0

Serve documentation on localhost

This is the only command you need to start working on docs.

mkdocs serve
# or
python3 -m mkdocs serve

Build website

mkdocs build

Deploy on github pages

mkdocs gh-deploy